Thursday, January 21, 2010

Microsoft.. where are you?

Please dont think that I am picking up every logo and giving comment about it. I really feel bad about currently what microsoft is? Google is going gaga on the web and Microsoft is trying to create a hype on windows 7.

Remember... It is windows who revolutionized the PC market, internet and created a demand for the need of computers. IT was like any other thing before 90s. It is Bill Gates who made everything possible. It reached the common man. There is no one in the world who do not know who is Microsoft and Bill Gates. He is the star, the real star but where is Microsof now. Steve Balmer is doing really good but how long will Microsoft talk about windows and .Net. Share point is a flagship but there are many others out there for a competition.

 It is time for the forgotten Heroes to come back and create an internet mainstream like Google. I still do not know why Microsoft is not blogging their products. It is time to copy Google and give it a shot.

Steve needs to bring all bring all the services of micro soft under one umbrella as Google did. All those fancy blue color and Silver lite experience alone will not do the job. Scrap the web sites and create afresh and connect them to Windows, Windows Mobile and Internet Explorer. Do a press release and ask the world to scrap IE 6 and tell them you have a great product. Any issues ???

Mozilla is rocking and Crom is coming up. Long way to go but they are on track. I have not met IE 8 yet. Chromium, Umbundus and Mac are all making lot of noise but we are still dependent on you. You need to create a real web force like Google.

I have some thing to talk about Yahoo too. I will do that later... as I have to do a lot of other things for my Yahoo.

1 comment:

  1. Very true... By the time Microsoft launch their next OS, Apple would have released Black leopard, white leopard and all other ancestors of leopards :D

    As far as Apple is concerned, quality is the main thing... and yes... Mozilla rocks!!

    Fortunately, I've worked for both Apple and Mozilla :)
